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About Neng Now


I am a published artist, author, and scientist who has spent the start of my young professional career in content creation. I was born in Chiang Kham Refugee Camp in Thailand, following the Vietnam War and grew up in Wisconsin, USA. I graduated from Harvard University with my Bachelor's in Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology—think stem cells and genetics. In December 2017, I quit my day job to travel around the world, full-time, creating captivating art with the help of storytelling, visual content, and social media. 

Neng Now Hmong Instruments

Since I started traveling in 2017, my facebook videos have received over 15 million views, and in August of 2020, I crowdfunded over $27,000 to produce my documentary, "Among Mountains," the first open-source documentary about the HMong of Laos. Through this presence, I have been able to give speeches at over 50 different schools, universities, and conferences since 2017. I am continuously working to create more content, documentaries, and art to showcase knowledge that needs to be shared, and in 2020, I was awarded a Fulbright Research Grant in Linguistics to study the HMong musical languages of Laos. Covid-willing, this will amount to research that produces a photo-book, another documentary, and perhaps graduate work in neurolinguistics...


Besides all of that, I am an avid sailor, scuba diver, and rock climber. I look forward to meeting you.


Recent Projects


Among Mountains

Georgia's Telescope

A documentary on the Hmong of Laos. This footage was filmed during two separate trips to Laos in 2018 and 2019. With Covid-19 suspending all my travel plans in 2020, I started editing this documentary in the spring, and raised over $27,000 to support its production. 


Click here to watch it on facebook.

Georgia's Telescope is the first book to explain the Bing Bang theory to preschoolers. I first thought of this idea as an undergraduate at Harvard during my junior year of college. It would take five more years, but when I moved to Monterey, California in 2016, I made Georgia's Telescope into reality by writing, illustrating, and crowdfunding it via Kickstarter, raising over $8,000 in June 2017 to facilitate printing, selling, and distributing the first printing of 500 books. I am currently working to find a traditional publisher for continued edition printings.

Contact Me

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